Don't Blame God
God is not to blame for the calamities we face. It started with Lucifer and Adam. Everything has been altered.

Your Words Shape Your Life
We are where we are today because of the words we spoke yesterday and tomorrow will be a result of the words that we speak today.

Is The Book Of Acts For Today?
The Gospel accounts are proof and evidence of what Jesus began to do and to teach. (Acts 1:2) The same miracles we see in the book of Acts should occur today. The Book of Acts is actually the Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Church.

Should Going To Church Be A Priority?
We as the Body of Christ need each other. Sometimes, in the midst of trials, people feel alone, forsaken and overwhelmed. That’s where a church family comes in...

Is God In Control?
God is only in control to the extent that we pray and ask Him to do certain things. "You have not, because you ask not.” It’s a very simple idea, but we must ask.

A Little Dab Won't Do You
God promises us that if we hunger and thirst after Him, we shall be filled. Spiritual Hunger is the number one ingredient to receiving from God.